Yell! Magazine » Amnesia Rockfest Where Subcultures Collide Tue, 22 Jul 2014 01:57:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Amnesia Rockfest 2014 – Logistics & The Scene Fri, 27 Jun 2014 03:31:19 +0000 Amnesia Rockfest

Amnesia Rockfest 2014 is over and done. By now, the site is cleaned up, an operation that started before we were even off the grounds, and the town of Montebello has almost surely returned to normal, and to its original population of 1,000 citizens. Albeit, these citizens likely have fuller pockets as a result of playing host to the sold out crowd of more than 200,000 visitors. With so many visitors and tickets having been sold on every continent, the ninth annual Amnesia Rockfest was the most successful to date. The generated revenue hasn’t been reported yet, but there’s no doubt that it has exceeded last year’s total of $10 million.

The event itself was an improvement over last year’s. The fest grounds were expanded, which resulted in the stages being more evenly spread out and easy to find a good vantage point, there seemed to be more porta potties, beer was resonably priced, lines moved quickly, and the food, though consisting mostly of fried fare, was priced according to the type of event. I’m not vegetarian, but healthy and vegetarian options were likely hard to come by; I certainly didn’t see any. Ah, yes, and what I always love to see at a festival, there was an area reserved for something else other than music. Throughout the weekend Amnesia had a small skate ramp set up for boarders to show off their skills. I’m glad to see this sort of thing gaining popularity at Quebec events; last year at Heavy MTL there was a wrestling ring set up with local graplers offering bountiful entertainment, and I hear the same can be expected this year at Heavy Montreal.

But I like the skate ramp, as it suits the crowd vibe better at Amnesia Rockfest with all the punk rock and punkers present. It’s a very different crowd than we usually see at Heavy Montreal. It’s less “black” and actually closer to that classic “heavy metal parking lot” “let’s party” community from the ’80s heavy metal scene.

Logistically, Amnesia Rockfest 2014 seemed to run as smooth as a well-oiled machine. Parking, camping, shuttle service… it appeared to be flawless. This was our third time covering the event and there was a noteable increase in law enforcement personel on hand, and they did a fine job. The fans that arrive in Montebello are generally respectful, although they’re doing things outside normal legal parameters, and while the police aren’t exactly turning a blind eye, they are far more tolerant than I’ve seen anywhere else. Basically, as long as no one is getting hurt and no property damage is happening, the police are there to make sure we’re all safe. And it didn’t go unnoticed by the fest goers as many of them hugged and thanked the coppers at the end of both evenings as they made their way back to their tents.

Next year marks the event’s 10th anniversary. Can you believe it? What started out as a 17-year-old boy’s dream has grown into a million dollar annual event, and it’s been going on for 10 years. Early word is that the lineup has already been established, although that is a very big secret right now. No doubt, considering it’s the 10th anniversary, there are going to be some major headliners and it’s going to be an amazing event in 2015.

We can’t wait to see you all there next year!

Rock Hard \m/

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5 Idiotic Things Not To Do At A Heavy Metal Festival: Mildly Inspired By Amnesia Rockfest Thu, 26 Jun 2014 15:24:40 +0000 As you know, we spend last weekend at the Amnesia Rockfest 2014, in Montebello, Quebec. Overall it was an amazing experience with, from what we saw, very few incidents of miscreant behavior. However, when 200,000 people gather for a weekend of hard music, there’s always going to be a few bad apples (aka, dickheads). Don’t be a dickhead. If you need some guidance on how not to be a festival jerk, read our top 5 idiotic things not to do at a heavy metal festival.

These are pretty obvious things that require the minimum of common sense, but we may need a reminder every now and then. If you’re a regular fest goer, you’re probably aware that you shouldn’t fight or tramble a fellow pit resident.

Anyway, on with the show:

No.5 Get Drunk

drunk at a heavy metal festival
Drinking and smoking pot go hand in hand with heavy metal fests, and, as a matter of fact, any music fest. So, go ahead, have a few cold ones, roll a fat one, no one really cares. That is, no one cares until you become an obnoxious pain in the ass and pass out, forcing someone to take care of your ass. So, unless you want to be the guy with chunky puke down the front of your shirt, passed out against a porta potty, or the guy pressed up against the barricade in front of the stage, or even the guy who can hardly walk through the fest grounds, don’t get drunk. Besides, how can you really enjoy the music when you’re preoccupied with trying not to look too hammered or when you can’t hear anything beyond the spinning of your head. And, those gravity blasts are hell on the gag reflex.

No.4 Neglect Hydration

ozzy water spray
Heavy metal festivals usually take place outdoors, in the sun and heat. You’re going to get thirsty, and you should quench that thirst. An ice-cold beer is going to feel real good, but don’t forget to drink water. Alcohol and sun, despite popular belief, don’t really go well together. They’re kind of like oil and water, or a straight girl trying to get with a gay dude. A good rule of thumb is to drink one water for every alcoholic beverage you consume, and also to be constantly sipping on a water bottle. You just don’t want to get dehydrated, which will happen faster than a pimp can say, “Where’s my money?” when you’re standing in a crowd, moshing, drinking alcohol, and exposed to constant sun and heat.

No.3 Get Sunburned

sunburned at heavy metal festWhile you’re taking care of your hydration because of the sun and heat, make sure you take care of your skin. Whether you know it or not, whether there are clouds or not, UV rays are wrecking havoc on your poor skin. I don’t care too much about how pretty you are, but don’t be one of those idiots with skin that looks like cooked lobster. You’ve seen the guys who’ve gotten burned and then taken off their tank tops to expose the pale skin that was concealed under it — you look like a moron who can’t function without mommy.

Point is, a bad sunburn will hurt, and, well, could lead to skin cancer. You’re hardcore, but not that hardcore.

No.2 Wear A Cowboy Hat

cowboy hat at heavy metal fest
Your 10-fucking-gallon Stetson is only cool if you’re at a country music fest or a damn rodeo. Sure, some country boys like their metal, but a heavy metal fest is no place for your tucked-in plaid, cowboy hat, or boots. Also, if you stand in the crowd to watch the show, your fucking hat will block the view of at least three people behind you. If you don’t get your ass kicked, count your lucky stars. If you absolutely must show Motley Crue your country pride, at least take off your damn hat while watching the show.

No.1 Piss where People Walk

don't pee at a music fest
If you can’t hold it as you wait to use a porta potty, use that guy’s Stetson for a toilet. But, whatever you do, don’t piss where people have to walk. It’s disgusting, you farm animal. If you do this, I hope a porta potty upends on your ass for eternity in hell. Go find a tree or some other discreet place, but don’t piss through a security fence or beside a porta potty where people are bound to walk. People will step in your waste and then have to go home, bringing your stink in their house. Maybe people who are caught doing this should have a GPS shoved up their urethra so that we can find their home, enter their living room, and piss all over their carpet. Sound good?

Rock Hard \m/

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Amnesia Rockfest 2014: Taking Back Sunday’s Adam Lazzara, The Amityville Horror & Crispen Glover [Interview] Wed, 25 Jun 2014 13:35:45 +0000 taking back sunday adam lazzara

As I’ve said in a previous article about Amnesia Rockfest 2014, Hopeless Records’ artist Taking Back Sunday isn’t the type of band that we usually cover. But the band calls Amityville, New York, home. Yup, the same Amityville as my second favorite house of posession (the first being the one in Poltergeist). Anyway, with that bit of knowledge, I ran with it when I got to sit down with the band’s lead vocalist, Adam Lazzara, who happens to be an absolute pleasure to talk to. Seriously, if you’re a fan and ever get a chance to talk to this dude, he will no doubt make you feel like an old high school buddy.

If you’ve never heard Taking Back Sunday, go see them since they’re currently on tour promoting their latest release, Happiness Is. Of course, it’s natural that you’d want to check them out first, so, here, check out “Flicker, Fade” from their new album:

So let’s jump into the interview at the point at which we were talking about Amityville being the band’s home…

Our guitar player, Eddie Reyes, who is the originator of the band, he brought everybody together, I’m originally from North Carolina, and when I joined the band I moved up there [Amityville] and John [Nolan - guitars] and I had an apartment. Eddie went to the Amityville High School, which is pretty much right across the street from where the Amityville horror house is, and of course the first thing you do when you get up there is, “Hey, can you take me by the house?”

To tell you the truth, I heard all these stories, and I saw the movie, and it’s not quite as impressive as I was hoping it would be. They kinda changed the front at the time, this was years ago when I first moved up there, but I guess they were trying to sell it again, and again, and again…

Nobody buys it?
Well, that’s the story I hear, people do and then like after a year or two they just want to get out. [They'll buy it] ’cause they’ll get a good deal on it ’cause of the whole stigma, and then they’ll just want to leave. Now, whether weird stuff happens there or not, I don’t know, but Eddie always has these stories, like, “Oh, I had a friend who used to babysit there when I was in high school and she said that blah blah blah.” If he were sitting here, he could go on for hours about it. It was actually not far from where our apartment was.

Did you ever go inside the Amityville house?
No. You would think if folks were smart, they’d do tours. But Eddie, there was this one interview he did pretty early on, it’s where he was saying that when he was younger how he got his first guitar was people would be driving around wanting to know where the house was and he would tell them where to go for like a couple bucks and that’s how he saved up to buy his first guitar. It’s a pretty grand story; I don’t believe it.

Are there any horror fans in the band?
See, that comes right back to Eddie. For myself and my sensibilities, I’m better with the Evil Dead, stuff like that, that’s almost on the verge of slapstick kind of horror. Just because there’s a comedy element to it that I appreciate. But Eddie’s the guy that if you happen to walk into the front lounge and there’s any kind of horror movie left on, you know he just stepped outside for a cigarette or something. He’s the guy who’ll keep those on all day long. Like on the DVR, the only thing that he’ll have recorded are those kinds of movies or Ghost Hunters or any kind of show that’s like paranormal… and it’ll be full, so when you go to record Family Guy or something you won’t be able to because it’ll just be filled with all these ghost shows.

What’s the worst injury Adam Lazzara suffered as a performer, and our conversation about Crispen Glover…

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Amnesia Rockfest 2014, Day 2: A Headliner With Something To Prove Tue, 24 Jun 2014 20:07:37 +0000 Amnesia Rockfest 2014

If Day 1 at Amnesia Rockfest 2014 was blessed with good weather and good people, then the rock gods came down to participate in their fine work on Day 2. With the site cleaned up and the people recharged, as much as they could be after a night of festivities, the day got underway at 11:30 a.m. sharp with Heaven’s Cry and Fifty Nutz. And if you thought the variety on Day 1 was vast for a punk/metal show, then this day offered even more diversity with Cypress Hill on the bill.

The Used

Rockfest 2014

Despite their metalcore roots, The Used is another band that seems oddly placed at Amnesia Rockfest. Reason being, not unlike their friends in Taking Back Sunday, they have a little too much of that pop flavor, which is especially true in the band’s latter material. However, The Used have always shifted their sound dynamic, and more so with the new-found sobriety.

Whatever it may be, having a shift in genre is actually very refreshing. It gives the audience a chance to breathe and the girls a chance to drool. Kudos to the organizers for thinking outside the box. And really, with songs like “Cry,” who really gives a damn which musical corner The Used has been shoved into.

Dying Fetus

Dying Fetus

I didn’t catch Dying Fetus, but King Hazard grabbed some great pics that he’d like to share with you here. FYI, he says their show was tight.

Cypress Hill

Cypress Hill

For me, Cypress Hill was a “WTF?” name to see in the lineup. Growing up, I’d always lumped them in with the rest of the rap artists of the time. Maybe next year we’ll see Snoop Dogg or Dr. Dre, maybe both and they’ll perform The Chronic. For King Hazard, he’d always thought of them as a band with crossover appeal for metalheads (That was always the Beastie Boys for me). They performed well, ran through their hits, impressed and energized the crowd, but in the end they were just essentially two guys with microphones on a stage with a DJ spinning the grooves. That’s always been one of my arguments against rap — it’s just not a dynamic show.

Cypress Hill

Cradle of Filth

Cradle of Filth

Cradle of Filth really intrigued me this year with the release of Total Fucking Darkness, and so I was just curious to see the band perform in general. They were pretty impressive, but Dani Filth’s high-pitched wails should only be taken in small doses. Personally, I much prefer his death growls. Richard Shaw’s interaction with the audience was menacing and intense; clearly the live/session guitarist digs his gig.

Cradle of Filth


Primus (Rockfest)

I’ve only every owned one Primus album, that being Pork Soda. Way back when I was really into the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and someone had said to me that if I liked Flea, I should check out Primus. So I did. I went right out and bought said album, and I liked it. But, although it’s completely different music, I could only take it in small doses like I can with Cradle of Filth. That’s not true with a live performance from Primus and Les Claypool… it’s just totally captivating. The tribal beat that carries throughout the show hypnotizes you and Les’ mastery of the bass guitar will have you standing in awe. If you’ve never seen Primus live in concert, do so immediately. Truly one of the great musicians of our time.

Joan Jett & The Blackhearts

Joan Jett & The Blackhearts

If there was one act that I wasn’t going to miss on Day 2 at Amnesia Rockfest, it was Joan Jett. The woman’s music is awesome, spans generations, and is timeless. OK, she does a lot of covers, but she’s made them her own. And then there’s what she’s done for girls/women in rock starting with her days in The Runaways, paving the way for all girls who’ve ever wanted to smash a string, kick a drum, or wail on the mic. Joan Jett is a true trailblazer.

Joan Jett & the BlackheartsAnd can she ever kickass on a stage. Everything just sounded so perfect. Prior to the show starting I was joking around with some older ladies in the audience, mentioning to them “Queens of Noise” from The Runaways and how we likely wouldn’t be so lucky to hear that… but we got to hear fucking “Cherry Bomb.” That was a total treat. And it wasn’t until the second half of the set when she really got into her bigger hits, like “I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll,” “Crimson and Clover,” and “I Hate Myself for Loving You.”

But Jett didn’t just attract an older crowd. No there were people from all age demographics, crowd surfing, moshing, and some big sing-along moments too. Also, Jett attracted people from the backstage area like I hadn’t seen any other band do that wasn’t closer to the top of the bill. I guess when greatness walks, people pay attention.

Joan Jett & the Blackhearts

Onto the evenings headliners at Amnesia Rockfest Day 2 after the jump…

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Amnesia Rockfest 2014: Bloody Bass Strings & Life Lessons With Alex Barreto Tue, 24 Jun 2014 19:26:02 +0000 chain of strength - alex barreto

At the Amnesia Rockfest 2014, we sat down with Alex Barreto of the Southern California straight edge hardcore band Chain of Strength for a brief five minute chat about unjuries and the life lessons he’s learned in his career. If you’re a fan, then you’ll know that the bassist goes by the name “Al Pain,” and Alex goes into his own origin story with us.

Why are we talking about injuries? Well, there’s actually no particular reason other than we at Yell! Magazine think it’s an aspect of the music industry that fascinates fans, but that there’s very little information out there on it. Plus, it’s a question we can ask fans too. The genesis of this question loosely comes from thinking about Nikki Sixx and the thought, “Well, dying is a pretty serious injury.” Ha, yeah, I’d like to ask him that someday.

Anyway, here’s Al Pain’s answers:

Worst Injuries?

I guess I kinda go by Al Pain. My nickname, “Pain,” came from an onstage injury, constant, every night, every show. When the band started we were playing a lot on the East Coast, up and down the Coast, our record company, Revelation Records, is an East Coast-based label, but anyways, I used to cut my hand really bad on the birdge of the bass, you know, playing very aggressive, blood everywhere. I was a kid, so I didn’t really know. So, you know, all these bloody bass strings, bloody bass, created the nickname, “Al Pain.”

I’ve witnessed kids do stage dives gone wrong, that kind of stuff. Not enough people to carry, people just bloody. Actually, on this trip, we’re on a 10-day trip, we started in Washington D.C., New York, Boston, and now here in Canada, one of the vocalists from the bands, I believe Praise, oh, it was the guitarist or bass player, jumped with the guitar which hit him in the head and he still kept rolling — a lot of blood, A LOT OF BLOOD.

Greatest Life Lesson?

Enjoy yourself, maximize on your opportunities. Travel. Not too many people in a day job are going to have the opportunity to meet and travel. You know, partying responsibly and in moderation sometimes is good because life goes by pretty quick and if you’re always fucked up, it seems kind of like a shame. Just pump the brakes. When I was younger and I got into partying, and I partied so much that I started to be like, “Am I a bad person?” because I feel like all I do is abuse myself and my senses and I’m always just trying to feel good. I think wisdom or age lets you still kinda do the same things but just in a different way. The music business is tough and you’re lucky if you’re in it and doing things that are financially worth doing, so if you’re doing something that you’re lucky to be doing you should do it and not abuse it in a shitty way.

Rock Hard \m/

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Amnesia Rockfest 2014 Day 1: Killer Performances All Around Mon, 23 Jun 2014 15:34:53 +0000 Amnesia Rockfest

Our Day 1 experience at Amnesia Rockfest in Montebello, Quebec, was a riotous one. Despite being a little late because of some very heavy traffic getting into the massively popular festival, we got to see a ton of amazing bands perform. And, admitting my own biases about certain bands, they all played amazingly well, entertained the audience like pros, and had the benefit of great sound and spectacular weather.

Fans benefited from all this as well, in addition to enjoying a huge variety of music genres that ranged from the pop sensibilities of Taking Back Sunday to punk maestros NOFX to the thrash gods of Megadeth to death metal gore kings Cannibal Corpse. If you’re a fan of hard and fast music, this is the fest for you.

I was pretty disappointed that we didn’t get to see The Gaslight Anthem. They aren’t heavy metal, but they are an amazing band and I like them. We could hear them from the media center and reports from other journalists confirmed for us that The Gaslight Anthem’s show was great.

And that brings up the challenge and sometimes frustrating fact about festivals; you don’t always get to see every band that you would like. And it’s not just us journalists who end up doing interviews or otherwise engaged in work, the fans can miss out as well. Such as when Black Flag plays at the same time as Blink 182. But there’s not a complaint there, it’s just the facts, and, well, it’s a festival that offers the most bang for your buck. So we just have to deal with it.

Here’s a recap of some to the bands we saw on Day 1 of Amnesia Rockfest:

Taking Back Sunday

Taking Back Sunday

Taking Back Sunday is not a band that we typically cover, but their live performance was nothing short of amazing. Lots of charisma, lots of energy, and, well, they attract lots of girls. We actually sat down with singer, Adam, for an interview, so watch for that on Yell! Magazine. Adam creates a great repore with the audience, and his stage persona, which is nothing like how he is in person in terms of his mannerisms, conjures memories of INXS’ Michael Hutchence.


NOFX played just before Taking Back Sunday, so we only caught a few songs from a distance since we had to make our way to the TBS stage and set up for the photo pit. Again, I really wish we could have caught this show in its entirety, as it sounded incredible.

Five Finger Death Punch

Five Finger Death Punch

My disdain of this band is well-documented, but I have to eat some of my words. While their generic, thick-like-honey brand of music isn’t for me, they play really well and are a band for the crowd. Their sound is aimed to please, their music isn’t overly complicated, and they love the fans as much as the fans love them. Additionally, vocalist Ivan Moody genuinely looks like he has fun and really enjoys interacting with the audience.



Obviously, as one of my favorite bands of all time, Megadeth was amazing to see. Honestly, the last time I saw them I wasn’t wholly impressed. Something just seemed off. But their performance at Rockfest was 100% kickass, savagely blasting their way through the best of their catalog. Dave Mustaine had a moment of ranting though, complaining about the two adjacent stages with bands performing at the same time:

Sorry about the bands playing on the two other stages. This is bullshit. You guys deserve better.

I didn’t notice until he said something. I can see how it could be annoying for the artists on stage, but as long as the band whose stage you’re in front of is playing, you couldn’t tell. Also, I never heard anyone complain about the situation, so I’m assuming it was a non-issue for festival goers.



Honestly, I haven’t paid attention to Weezer since the ’90s, but holy fuck were they good. In essence, they are just a wholesome, all-American band that likes to have fun. I love the modest Van Halen influence that gets hinted at every once in awhile in Rivers Cuomo’s guitar work (and obviously the Weezer logo is totally inspired by Van Halen’s logo). Also, the finish these guys did was amazing, with all the band members picking up a pair of sticks and banging on the drums.

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The Amnesia Rockfest (2014) Schedule Just Announced Wed, 04 Jun 2014 15:16:09 +0000 amnesia rockfest 2014 schedule

Amnesia Rockfest in Montebello, Quebec, is just over two weeks away and the daily schedule for the two-day event has just been posted (yeah, that’s it right above). You can download the schedule right here too. With this bit of trusty information you can now better coordinate your festivities with the shows you want to see… and trust us, you’re going to want some downtime.

What? You don’t have your tickets yet? You’ve been told that the tickets are sold out?

That’s not entirely true. Along with the schedule announcement, Rockfest has also informed us that there are a few weekend passes still to be had online, at Amnesia stores, and select local shops. As well, there are a few VIP Front Stage weekend passes. Visit to place your order. You better hurry before these completely sell out as well. And if you order after this Friday, June 6th, you’ll have to pick up your passes at the onsite box office.

We hope to see you there!

Rock Hard \m/

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Amnesia Rockfest 2014: Tick Tock, You Better Get Your Damn Tickets Soon Tue, 22 Apr 2014 16:32:11 +0000 amnesia rockfest 2014

The 2014 edition of Amnesia Rockfest, the biggest music festival of its kind in Quebec, is on the fast track to being sold out once again. As of today, 85% of the tickets are sold, and, aside from some newly added packages, all previous VIP deals have been sold. The Facebook presale in February sold out in a few days, and then within two days of being on sale, tickets had been sold on all of our glorious planet’s continents. Yeah, it’s that fracken’ big!

So, it’s time for you to break out the old credit card and head over to (or to an Amnesia store in Quebec) and order yourself a weekend pass! You won’t regret it, we promise.

The metal madness and punk power gets underway in Montebello, Quebec, on June 20th to 21st.

Rockfest has been praised worldwide for its incredible lineup, featuring Blink-182, Mötley Crüe (Final Tour, last Quebec show ever), Weezer, Alice In Chains, Megadeth, Billy Talent, Primus, NOFX, Five Finger Death Punch, Cypress Hill and A Day To Remember.

Additional details from the press release follow.

Rock Hard \m/

Campsites On Sale Now!

The campsites are on sale now online at Take note that campsites are only available on our website ahead of time.

Rockfest Wins More Awards

Rockfest and its founder Alex Martel once again got honored at the Outaouais Tourism Awards, by winning the ”Tourism Personality of the Year” Award for a second year in a row. They are now nominated in the same category at the Quebec Tourism Awards, which will be held in Laval in May.

Amnesia Rockfest Can

Special limited edition Amnesia Rockfest cans of the energy drink with alcohol Octane 7.0 are now available everywhere throughout the province of Quebec!

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Amnesia Rockfest 2014 – Start Planning ASAP! Thu, 17 Apr 2014 20:27:27 +0000 amnesia rockfest 2014

In our ever-so-humble opinion there is just a handful of reasons to go to Montreal in the summer. Really, who wants to put up with the pothole-ridden roads, the horrible drivers, or how unwelcoming the city is to tourists? But, that’s not selling you on one of the greatest reasons to visit… and you don’t even have to go to Montreal!

So, whether you live in New England, Ontario, or Quebec, and you’re a huge heavy metal or punk fan, you absolutely have to make it to Montebello, Quebec, for the ninth annual Amnesia Rockfest. It’s all going down on June 20th and 21st, the lineup of about 150 bands is killer, and the price is dirt cheap ($99.00 for the regular weekend pass OR for the $199 for VIP Weekend Pass, Front Stage Zone).

Order your tickets now! (

That’s value you just can’t beat!

Decide fast if you’re going to go, because lodging is filling up as we speak and there’s always a shortage of places to crash. If it weren’t for the most welcoming people on the planet, you might end up spending the night in jail. Actually, probably not. Montebello is pretty damn lenient with the influx of concert goers; the police basically just make sure everyone is safe, probably because if they started arresting people there wouldn’t be room in the holding cell.

But I digress.

This year’s Rockfest promises to be bigger and better than ever, and not because the top acts are top tier either. Logistics will play a huge part this year. For the first time ever, Amnesia Rockfest has signed an agreement with Festival d’été de Québec, whose sister company, 3E event-experience-emotion will help with the production and logistics for the ever-growing festival, replacing 2013’s team.

What’s more, Rockfest has partnered with Orkestra to help coordinate affairs outside the fest grounds. This means there will be a concerted effort regarding campgrounds, parking lots, bus shuttles, and more.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the major changes this year:
-Bracelets sent by mail beforehand, with RFID technology (bracelet equipped with a chip)
-Extension and reconfiguration of the festival grounds
-Setting-up of two entrances, two exits and one entrance/exit for people on boats
-Significant improvements made to sanitary facilities (toilets, water, garbage cans, cleaning)
-Completely restructured camping area, with an enormous new central field just a few steps away from the marina
-Complete restructuring of the parking lot and the shuttle system
-Improved sound on the main stage and adding of LED screens
-Paid emerging artists who will open the various stages rather than being on a separate stage

For more information, such as the lineup, and other changes made to this year’s event, visit the official website.

Rock Hard \m/

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Amnesia Rockfest 2014: Killer Lineup, Ticket Info & More Sun, 16 Mar 2014 13:13:32 +0000 amnesia rock fest 2014 poster

The Amnesia Rockfest has announced its 2014 lineup, and you’re not going to want to miss this.

Held in Montebello, Quebec, along the Ottawa River, Amnesia Rockfest is proudly Canada’s biggest rock festival. Last year, the festival attracted more than 100,000 fans and generated $10 million for the local economy. But that’s boring statistics. The festival, while primarily a heavy metal and punk rock affair, attracts bands from a variety of related genres, including classic rock, hardcore, pop punk, ska, and death metal.

Basically, the point here is that if you’re a metalhead, a rock fan or a punker, and you live in eastern Ontario, Quebec, or in any of the north-eastern states, you’re going to want to mark your calendar and make plans for the weekend of June 20th – 21st.

Seriously, Amnesia Rockfest aways seems to outdo itself each and every year with its lineup. This year’s includes heavyweights like Megadeth (a favorite of mine), Motley Crue (who will start their “Final Tour” in July), Blink-182 (who will be taking a break from the studio to play Amnesia), Alice in Chains, Danzig, Primus, Five Finger Death Punch, NOFX, Cyprus Hill, Mastadon, Black Flag, Misfits, Suicidal Tendencies, and so many more. In fact, there will be about 150 bands to try to see over the two day festival.

Highlights of the Amnesia Rockfest include the all new international stage that will focus on heavy metal acts and the Punk Rock Karaoke on Friday night where fans will be able to get on stage and perform with members of NOFX and Bad Religion. There is also the promise to fans that there will be many surprises and secret performances in store. Also, there will be rides, a rock n’ roll museum, a haunted house, street entertainers, and fire-eaters to help enhance the carnival-like and festive atmosphere.

Tickets are now on sale at and soon at all Amnesia stores. See the site and press release below for additional details.

Rock Hard \m/

The Outaouais Rock team is proud to announce the complete lineup for the 9th edition of Amnesia Rockfest, the largest rock festival in Canada, to be held on June 20-21 at the Montebello marina in the Outaouais. Approximately 150 bands in all will hit the festival’s stages.

The Lineup

Headliners will include the very popular California punk-rock band Blink-182, who will leave the studio for a rare concert this year to close out the first night. Iconic rock ’n roll band Mötley Crüe will headline the second night a week before kicking off their Final Tour.

Also performing will be the alternative band Weezer, grunge band Alice In Chains, metal pioneers Megadeth, Canadian rock/punk band Billy Talent and the inimitable Primus. Among the other bands on hand will be NOFX, as well as Five Finger Death Punch, Cypress Hill, A Day To Remember, Danzig with Doyle, Mastodon, The Used, Brand New, Taking Back Sunday, Joan Jett, Reverend Horton Heat, Fishbone and many more.

As always, punk-rock will be featured: Lagwagon, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Streetlight Manifesto, Bigwig (reunion), Reel Big Fish, Goldfinger, Face To Face, Strung Out, Anti-Flag, 88 Fingers Louie (reunion), MXPX, The Vandals, Guttermouth, Alkaline Trio, New Found Glory, The Casualties and many others. Several punk and hardcore legends will add to the mix, including Cock Sparrer, Black Flag and Fear, none of whom have appeared in Quebec for over 20 years. Groups such as Misfits, Dead Kennedys, Henry Rollins and Suicidal Tendencies will also be appearing.

Rockfest will also introduce a new international stage focusing on metal. Bands will include Venom (after not appearing in Quebec for over 20 years), Meshuggah, Cradle Of Filth, Cannibal Corpse and August Burns Red.

In rotation with the main stage, the Quebec stage will present the pillars of the Quebec alternative scene. Several defunct groups will reunite for one show at Amnesia Rockfest: Despised Icon (exclusive Canadian reunion), Mononc’ Serge & Anonymus (exclusive reunion), Reset (original band with Pierre Bouvier and Chuck Comeau of Simple Plan; exclusive reunion), The Sainte Catherines (exclusive reunion), Exterio (exclusive reunion), Obliveon (exclusive reunion), Anonymus (original band with Marco Calliari) and Fifty Nutz. Along with these reunions, bands such as Grimskunk, The Planet Smashers and many more will also be performing.

Finally, several emerging artists will open the various stages in order to gain maximum visibility and each of them will receive a fee. At the end of the evening on Friday, the original Punk Rock Karaoke will provide an opportunity for festival-goers to sing their favourite songs on stage with members of NOFX and Bad Religion. At the end of the evening on Saturday, there will be a tribute to No Use For A Name; it should be noted that the last time the band performed with Tony Sly before he died was at Rockfest 2012. Several surprises and secret performances are also in store for festival-goers.

Important Changes to the Site, Hosting and Logistics

Changes made by management to the festival this year include the expansion of the festival site and the camping areas, as well as indoor evening showcases (the lineup will be unveiled in the coming weeks). Several activities will also be added to the usual festivities, including rides, a rock n’ roll museum and a haunted house. Street entertainers and fire-eaters will help boost the carnival-like and festive atmosphere.

The Festival d’été de Québec, through its sister company 3E évènement-expérience-émotion (event-experience-emotion), will be in charge of production and logistics for the 9th edition of Rockfest. Other partners include P. Miron Consultants, specialized in field logistics and Orkestra, a Gatineau agency that will be in charge of managing the festival’s peripheral activities


Tickets are now on sale at and soon at all Amnesia stores. Once again, the festival is offering passports at a very affordable price: $99 + fees and taxes, which works out to $0.66 per group! With the enthusiasm generated so far and such a solid lineup, the team is confident that the festival will sell out for the 2nd straight year.

Please note that VIP packages are available. Finally, bus packages from Montreal, Quebec City and other cities will also be available soon.

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