Comments on: The Vinyl Snobs: The Bane of a Modern Man’s Existence (Rant of the Day) Where Subcultures Collide Fri, 13 Mar 2015 19:49:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Freeman Von Seargent Wed, 26 Dec 2012 16:22:00 +0000 There are 2 types of these people (maybe 3). The first are the diehards who started making all these arguments back in 1985, complete with stair step diagrams and discussions about overtones lost, aliasing, sampling error courtesy of Nyquist, yawn. The second are the young who never had to put up with those lousy black platters as the only means of hearing the great music of the time – cassettes could have been great, but they were mastered and manufactured on the maximum cheap. The third are the mindless who believe whatever hype is the last word from an authoritative sounding author.

Now, here’s my point – where are the reel-to-reel snobs? Because all music in the era of vinyl was recorded/mixed/mastered on tape and THEN transferred to vinyl, whilst having a ridiculous anti-rumble filter applied. So if these ying yangs were really hearing the best sound, sound those of us who live in the AAC age are apparently incapable of hearing, then they would be demanding reel-to-reel. But nobody is – therefore their arguments fall on the floor and break into tiny black shards like so many copies of Three Dog Night’s Golden Biscuits.

No skin off my teeth if people prefer vinyl, I just tire of looking up their youthful nostrils while returning to memories of clicks, pops, scratches etc standing between me and whatever I was trying to listen to. But then again, this is a group of people who must antique every digital picture to look like a faded Polaroid so…bring back the flashcube!

By: Yell! Wed, 04 Apr 2012 03:17:00 +0000  Please note that the opinions expressed in this article do not reflect all of those at Yell! Magazine. I personally enjoy vinyl.

By: Cableguysales Sun, 01 Apr 2012 14:53:00 +0000 get a clue

By: HVD Sat, 25 Jun 2011 07:56:00 +0000 Bravo. Well said.
