Lacuna Coil: Andrea Ferro Talks Horror & Dark Adrenaline [VIDEO]

Yell! Magazine arrived at the Gigantour 2012 venue mid-afternoon for our interview with Lacuna Coil’s Andrea Ferro, and although we had clearance to get in, it was a total pain in the ass. The tour manager had no idea where the media entrance was and the security working that entrance hadn’t a clue. And we weren’t the only media crew wanting to get inside.

Once the tour manager found us and escorted us upstairs to the backstage area, there was a lot of pointing and instructions to “wait” and “you’re good, come with me.” After walking through areas of massive black curtains, panels of guitars, bass guitars, drum kits, we found ourselves in Lacuna Coils dressing room, which was actually just a squared off area. It was warm and inviting though, with a long table in the center, several computers, sofas, beer, Jack Daniels, a practice kit, and the whole band in attendance (minus Cristina Scabbia – she was apparently being interviewed by a lesser site than Yell! Magazine). However, our interview was just with Andrea Ferro.

Lacuna Coil, Dark Adrenaline

From hearing him speak in previous interviews, I really expected to be talking to a thick-accented Italian and having trouble following our conversation. That wasn’t the case though; dude was articulate, well-spoken, and completely receptive to us and our questions. After having spoken with him, I see and hear his performances completely differently. Where I was once mildly bothered by his parts, they somehow seem essential now.

During the course of our interview with Ferro, I did have a moment of near panic; Cristina Scabbia walked into the dressing room. She apparently wanted to see how Yell! Magazine gets shit done.

Anyway, enjoy our video interview.

Rock Hard!

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