Being Human – Season 3
Syfy’s Being Human, Season 3, got underway this week, and although it picked up pretty much right where Season 2 left off (well, 15 months later), the season opener had a distinctive shift in tone.
Before I continue, however, I want you to know that I realize I haven’t touched much on Being Human since its debut Season. Nonetheless, it has been, and remains, one of my favorite shows to watch. Call it a guilty pleasure, because it is something you’d likely see on the CW. Yeah, there’s blood, but there’s a lack of violence and true horror. Essentially, Being Human is a teen drama whose characters, although supernatural, are on a path of self-discovery.
It’s definitely not a show that we here at Yell! Magazine typically discuss, much less admit to watching, but I��m sure many of you have guilty pleasures too. So, don’t judge. Or do, and tell me to fuck off in the comments section below.

As I was saying, Being Human, Season 3, seems to have shifted its tone despite having the same writing team. Josh, for one, seems to have shifted his insecurities into overdrive and delivers one liners that come off as both cynical and sarcastic, but funny. He also goes on the attack rather quickly, but I guess that is bound to happen after being ripped off by psychics for 15 months and losing the “were” in your “wolf” – and committing murder.
Aiden, though he’s always been a brooding hopeless romantic, might as well roll over and die. The poor vamp has basically given up, especially once he’s made aware that his undead love, Suren, has likely perished with the rest of the vampires. Yes, a global flu virus and a vaccination has made human blood poison for the fangers, and Aiden, due to his incarceration, is one of the only remaining vampires with pure blood.
While Nora seems as comfortable as ever being a werewolf, even if Josh has been cured, Sally is desperate to get out of limbo, with two ghost friends she’s hell bent on saving, and appears to be fated to “live” the same pattern for all eternity. That is until Josh and Nora intervene with unspeakable acts. However, these unspeakable acts set the stage for what’s to come in future episodes: What affect will the use of a dead werewolf’s heart have on Sally in her resurrection? What’s to become of Ray and how will the witch use him? (Yes, just like in True Blood, the superbeing universe in Being Human is expanding.)

Also, while Aiden spent the majority of the episode looking like a sack of potatoes, by the end he’s committed to not dying, or, re-dying. But with human blood now being poison, how will he feed? How will he get back to “fighting weight”? And will his hallucinations continue?
This was an odd way to start Being Human, Season 3 – no action, no drama, and not much of anything. It just kind of plodded along like a mid-season episode. As someone who enjoys the show and loves the characters, I can appreciate the episode, but I did feel cheated out of a true season premiere.
Rock Hard \m/