Deimosimine, the new feature horror film from LeglessCorpse Films, is being directed by Chad Armstrong from a script by Andrew Thompson. Deimosimine is a film that promises to bring the practical FX magic back to the horror film, featuring creatures, murder, blood, and gore.
Deimosimine Synopsis:
A heroin addict undergoes a radical new kind of treatment for her condition; but the drug, “Deimosimine,” instead creates for her a world of horror and blood. Is she the victim? The monster? Or both?
Robert Nolan, with over 100 acting credits (Silent Retreat, Sick: Survive The Night, Familiar, and Antisocial), will take on the role of Dr. Winter, the doctor behind the addiction-curing drug. Nolan will be joined by cast members Rhiana Howell, Tom Hagale, Ashley Coughlin, Darren Cain, Richard Chandler, and Joseph Bodkin.
Deimosimine is scheduled to shoot late August, with a VOD date late 2015/early 2016. However, the filmmakers are currently crowd funding for additional funds for the practical creature effects. Go here to show your support.
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