Gloomy Yellers Issue No.6: Delayed Testicular Trauma

Well, Yellers. We don’t have any new staff members being introduced this week. But if you’ve been paying attention, we have some new blood contributing. First we abducted her, then we locked her in the closet with TheMatt, but when we heard Thee Ol’ Ninja-Kick-To-The-Balls one whimper and cry for his mommy, we decided to give her her own room – complete with water-board table, pendulum, bricks, and mortar. So, we strapped her down, tapped a vein, and let her blood spill over a keyboard. To our surprise, the process actually produces content. But, hopefully we’ll have more on Joanna Jaguar in our next issue.

So, anyway, this week TheMatt kicked me in the balls. If we’d known he’d had OMG Ninja training killing Pedobears in hell, we would have shoved his ass on a twin-prop plane headed for Antarctica when he came into the office for an interview. Unfortunately, the little bastard didn’t divulge such information, or that he can pick his nose through his ass, and he got the job.

As usual, thanks to Abby Howard and TheMatt for documenting our insanity.


Gloomy Yellers Issue No.6

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