Halloween Heavy Metal Party Mix

All Metal Halloween Party Playlist
Yell! Magazine’s Halloween 2012 Mix by Yell! Magazine on Grooveshark

A lot of people have no idea what music to play at a Halloween party. Sure, you could play the old classics, like the “Monster Mash,” “Devil with a Blue Dress On,” “Ghostbusters,” “Thriller,” or “I Want Candy,” but you’d end up looking pretty lame and tame — not like the killer you are (you do read Yell! Magazine after all). While those songs have their place (on your dad’s dusty turntable), we want you to be the modern musical maverick who sets the party tone with a choice selection of tunes.

We here at Yell! have put together a slaughterific list of heavy metal songs for your blood-soaked Halloween affair, all released in 2012 and all with some kind of horrific or equally gruesome theme (whether in content or just song title).

Queue this up at your party and let it ride.

Rock Hard \m/


Halloween Heavy Metal Party Mix – credit: stuffpoint

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