Heavy MTL 2012 Day 2: A Circus From Hell

Our cylinders are have seized up, and while the weekend has left us feeling like roadkill, we’re still dedicated to reporting the weekend festivities to you.

The weekend in Montreal, Quebec, was hot and humid, and threatened with thundershowers, but that didn’t stop fans from coming out in hordes. It did rain pretty heavily on Day 1 of Heavy MTL 2012, which I’m assuming locked the sweat stench from the previous day into the ground. The smell of BO, beer, puke, greasy fried food, and who knows what else simply invaded your olfactory senses like an undercover flatulent as you entered the venue. The worst part is that it was hard to evade this stench.

Once again, Yell! Magazine had some interviews lined up, and instead of pretending like I’m not going to tell you with whom (as I did yesterday), I’m just going to be honest. We interviewed Gojira and Trivium (here’s an older Trivium interview from Heavy MTL 2011). That’s it. We had two other interviews lined up, but they fell through as a result of the amazing catering service. Every band we interviewed had something fantastic to say about the catering.

Just as I did yesterday, I’m going to give you a rundown of some of the performers we saw at Heavy MTL 2012, Day 2.

Old-School Act Of The Day

Hearing Overkill was like taking a step back in time, only with sonically awesome audio equipment instead of a single-speaker shortwave radio. These guys have refined their material to perfection, and you could argue that they sound better today than they ever have. I was especially impressed with the rendering of the ‘88 classic “Hello from the Gutter.” Truly amazing.

Goddamn, I Gotta See Them Again

Gojira brought their A game to Heavy MTL 2012, despite being part of a tour that has recently been canned. You might think that they’d be all discouraged and downtrodden, but no. It seems that the canceled tour with Lamb of God and Dethklok has only fortified Gojira’s mission to knock the metal scene on its ass. Gojira played fairly early in the day, but they still managed to draw an energetic crowd. Some were already fans, but you could tell by the looks on the faces of many that they were being stunned by Gojira’s awesomeness for the first time.

Band Most Likely To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

Is it even possible for Trivium to suck? Sure, if their style isn’t your thing, then I guess they suck for you. But even non-fans have to admit that these guys can play, and they play tight. What I really like about them is their ability to mix so many genres and incorporate so many different elements into their music without it sounding like something they pulled out of a dumpster. From the opening track, “In Waves,” to the seventh and final track, “Throes of Perdition,” fans were rabid and captivated. But, yeah, seven fucking songs was way too short.

Bring The Punk, Motherfuckers

suicidal tendencies
“Thrash!” “Hardcore!” “Thrash!” “Fuck, you. They’re HARDCORE!” “Fuck off. They’re THRASH!” It’s an endless and pointless debate, one that can only be settled in the pit. And everyone knows that a thrash pit is more intense than a hardcore pit.

No matter what genre you want to tack onto the legendary Suicidal Tendencies, nothing will take away from their greatness and legacy. After 31 years in the industry, they’re still psycho. And to be honest, ST gave a fair mix of their thrash (“War Inside my Head,” “Send Me Your Money”), their hardcore (“Ain’t Gonna Take It,” “Cyco Vision”), and their classics (“Institutionalized,” “Subliminal,” “I Saw Your Mommy”); they played to satisfy everyone.

Check out the rest of the bands we saw at Heavy MTL 2012 after the jump…

slipknot - heavy mtl 2012

Slipknot – Heavy MTL 2012 – Credit: Slipknot1.com

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