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Warning: Our Exclusive Video Interview Reveals Why If You’re A Shitty Person, Machine Head Doesn’t Like You

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Yell! Magazine caught up with Dave McClain of Machine Head behind the scenes at Heavy MTL. Please feel free to check out our video interview. However, in addition to that, I’d also like to let you in on some of the other stuff that didn’t make it onto film.

As McClain approached the three of us (Carla, Jonno, and me), the first thing he noticed was my KISS T-shirt (KISS was headlining the following night) and the first words out of his mouth as he was introduced to us was, “Nice shirt.” Color me pink. There’s no surer guarantee to a good rapport with someone than the discovery of mutual love for KISS. Does this mean that Machine Head is in part influenced by KISS? I will have to take some liberty here and say yes.

In an effort to keep this thing chronological, I’ll return to the KISS stuff later.

So, we were in and McClain felt comfortable enough with us to make a comment about some of the other interviewers there that day who didn’t know anything about the bands they were interviewing. For starters, one interviewer, clearly unfamiliar with Machine Head, kept referring to Dave McClain as John McClain – you know, of Die Hard fame (aka, Bruce Willis). So, as a running joke we kept calling him that. I’m not too sure if Dave objected, but he didn’t say anything.

Machine Head - Unto the Locust album cover

The interview went off perfectly and Dave answered all our questions about Machine Head, their single “Locust” from their upcoming album, Unto the Locust (coming September 27th), about being in Milan, Nebraska, when he heard he was a Grammy-nominated drummer, and then he and Carla promptly got back to their date.

After the interview, we ended up talking some more about KISS. Dave has a nice tattoo on his inner arm of the cover art for Rock and Roll Over. Gene Simmons, while attending some party that Dave was at, used Dave’s tattoo as evidence of the scope of his fame to some dignitary-type who had never heard of KISS. Hard to believe that those people exist. Anyway, when Machine Head finally took to the stage to put on an awesome show later in the day, Dave had donned a KISS shirt.

Rock Hard!

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