One-Eyed Doll Get “Committed” [VIDEO]

Combining a few of our favorite things, One-Eyed Doll have released a new video for their song “Committed,” which is featured in the MMORPG AdventureQuest Worlds. The Patrick Kendall-directed video (Megadeth, Incubus, Theory of a Deadman) puts lead vocalist Kimberly Freeman in an insane asylum and casts her in such characters as Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary, Satan, and a few others. “Committed” is a captivating and haunting video, making it ideal for a fall/Halloween release.

In addition to being a featured song in AdventureQuest Worlds, “Committed” is also the title track from One-Eyed Doll’s forthcoming album, which is due out sometime in early 2013. If you’re a big One-Eyed Doll fan and can’t wait till 2013, the folks behind AdventureQuest Worlds will be putting out a One-Eyed Doll album on October 31. Titled Something About a Dragon, the disc will feature songs that have been used in the game. This will be the first time some of the more popular tracks, including “You’re A Vampire” and “Battle On,” will be available on CD. The first batch of these CDs will be available exclusively at HeroMart ( and at live shows. The download will also be available on the band’s music site.

one-eye doll committed

Check out the “Committed” video above and let us know if you think it sucks or not in the comments section below.

Rock Hard \m/

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  • oneeyeddoll

    Thank you for the great write-up!!!!!!!! -kimberly

    • Evil Argento here… You’re welcome! It’s kind of hard to dislike the video, and it doesn’t hurt that the song rocks too.