Because Mondays suck – Here’s your suicide solution.
Please leave a comment in the designated section below to tell us what you think of our sexy selection.
What constitutes a “favorite” Suicide Girl? Well, she has to meet a few of our standards: She should be fairly heavily tattooed and/or pierced, into one or more of our topics of interest (heavy metal/hardcore rap, horror/sci-fi/action movies, MMA, and/or specific types of video games), and seemingly interesting as a person (as best as we can judge from the brief bio SuicidGirls sends us), and sexy.
Why SuicideGirls? They say it best: “SuicideGirls is a community that celebrates Alternative Beauty and alternative culture from all over the world.” Hey, we’re into that subculture thing too.
Don’t forget to click on the thumbs to see larger versions of the pictures.
And if you want to see these girls in all their sexy glory, join SG via this link.
Catrina Suicide
Age: 26 (March 6, 1987)
Location: California, USA
Hometown: Stockton
Occupation: Professional clothes removal technician
Stats: 34-27-39
Pot: I’m a total stoner
My status: Single
Into: Your mom
Hobbies: Rock climbing
Vices: Weed, sex
I spend most of my free time: Naked

Bands: American Nightmare, Quicksand, Alkaline Trio, Jawbreaker, Faith No More, Lovage, Tom Waits, The Smiths, Leeway, Cro-Mags, Lucero, Rumbleseat, Avett Brothers, Tribe Called Quest, Hieroglyphics, Ghostface, Crowbar, Black Sabbath, Old Metallica, Helmet, Warpaint, Land of talk
Films: True Romance, The Sweetest Thing, Blue Velvet, Gummo, Dead Alive, Royal Tennanbaums, The Fountain, Rad, Natural Born Killers, ALL Mel Brooks movies
Books: Bukowski, Brett Easton Ellis, Oscar Wilde, Preacher
TV shows: Cartoons, Arrested Development, Workaholics, Intervention
Tristyn Suicide shows us just how sexy glasses can be…
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