Carrina Suicide – Credit: SuicideGirls.com
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What constitutes a “favorite” Suicide Girl? Well, she has to meet a few of our standards: She should be fairly heavily tattooed and/or pierced, into one or more of our topics of interest (heavy metal/hardcore rap, horror/sci-fi/action movies, MMA, and/or specific types of video games), and seemingly interesting as a person (as best as we can judge from the brief bio SuicidGirls sends us), and sexy.
Why SuicideGirls? They say it best: “SuicideGirls is a community that celebrates Alternative Beauty and alternative culture from all over the world.” Hey, we’re into that subculture thing too.
Don’t forget to click on the thumbs to see larger versions of the pictures.
And if you want to see these girls in all their sexy glory, join SG via this link.
The Girls
If Krito Suicide gets any hotter, we’re going to have to start blaming her for global warming. (That’s still a real thing, right?) As you’ll hopefully be able to see from the limited number of pics we’re allowed to show that we put Krito Suicide in captivity – to keep forevermore. Just don’t tap the glass.
Carrina Suicide‘s list of favorite books reads like an Anthony Kiedis source of inspiration. If Carrina said, “Kiss Me Right Here On My Tattoo” (as Kiedis says on “Mellowship Slinky in B Minor”), we’d just have to say, “which one?” Carrina is also into house destruction parties and Irish Whiskey, so we recommend that you don’t invite her over for some Jamesson if you have a sledge hammer lying about.
Krito Suicide
Age: 28 (Feb 09, 1984)
Location: Colombia
Hometown: Medellin
Occupation: Model, fashion designer, tattoos & body piercings
My diet: Vegetarian
Alcohol: Occasionally
My politics: Politics, who cares?
My status: Single
My pigeonholes: Arty, tattooed, fashionista, retro, punk, electroclasher, drum & bass
Makes me happy: My Baby
Hobbies: Roller Derby
Vices: Sex, sexy girls, and music
Thoughts on SG: I love it
I spend most of my free time: In another dimension XD
Bands: Placebo, Kap Bambino, Robots In Disguise, Crystal Castle, The Sounds – vive la fete electrocute, The Kills, Revvl9n, Peaches, Sylversun Pickups, Muse, Marilyn Manson, The Toxic Avenger
Films: Amelie, Entrevista con el vampiro, Trainspotting, Requiem por un sueño efecto mariposa
TV shows: Skins, South Park
Artists: Melodie Gore
We wish they all could be California like Carrina Suicide…
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