It’s Friday, and I’m really looking forward to getting my ass out of the office in the next few minutes, but before that happens, I’m going to enlighten your day with this hilarious throwback clip that I’ve been trying hard to find the time to post.
And that time has finally come!
It’s a UFC clip that dates all the way back to when Vin Diesel was somewhat of a Hollywood star. It was a time before Mr. Triple X had the balls to demand a high paycheck for a movie, and when Ricco Rodriguez was the UFC heavyweight champion after, sadly, defeating Randy Couture at UFC 39.
It was a weird time, but what really gets me going in this clip is Goldie’s classic build up to Vin Diesel, and Joe Rogan’s joke of an interview with the “biggest star on the planet” that pretty much adds the cherry to the top of the sundae. Looking back at this, and seeing what the UFC has become today is quite an amazing leap. Thank goodness we don’t see this type of shit going down anymore.
Absorb, enjoy, share the video clip, and have a great weekend!
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