Cheri Suicide – Credit: SuicideGirls.com
Because Mondays suck – Here’s your suicide solution.
Please leave a comment in the designated section below to tell us what you think of our sexy selection.
What constitutes a “favorite” Suicide Girl? Well, she has to meet a few of our standards: She should be fairly heavily tattooed and/or pierced, into one or more of our topics of interest (heavy metal/hardcore rap, horror/sci-fi/action movies, MMA, and/or specific types of video games), and seemingly interesting as a person (as best as we can judge from the brief bio SuicidGirls sends us), and sexy.
Why SuicideGirls? They say it best: “SuicideGirls is a community that celebrates Alternative Beauty and alternative culture from all over the world.” Hey, we’re into that subculture thing too.
Don’t forget to click on the thumbs to see larger versions of the pictures.
And if you want to see these girls in all their sexy glory, join SG via this link.
Mindi Suicide
Age: 23 (January 13, 1989)
Location: Colombia
Occupation: Shoe designer
Stats: Lonely! And very Pathetic!
Body mods: 6 Piericings… I don’t don’t know how many tattoos
Heroes: Tank Girls, My Mom, The Pope (such a beauty queen!)
Gets me hot: Music and public foreplay
Favorite position: I love to move!
Fantasy: Public sex, being a porn star!
My idea of a good time: Support local music. Go to a show.
My pigeonholes: Crafty, arty, tattooed, straight edge, designwank, fashionista, punk, piercing, metalhead, dirty, bookworm, geek, fetish, diva
Bands: A Perfect Circle, Cattle Decapitation, Job for a Cowboy, Iron Maiden, Protest the Hero, The Human, Abstract, Belanova, RES!, Suicide Silence
Films: Iron Man!, The Avengers, The Lake House, Natural Born Killers, Clock Work Orange, SAW, Buried, Gone with the Wind
Books: Gone with the Wind, del amor y otros demonios
al este del eden, muertos o algo mejor, The Divine Comedy, Cooking guides (all I can find)
TV shows: Criminal Minds, Castle, 2 Broke Girls, The Big Bang Theory
Artists: Kitty Canary
Cheri Suicide shows us the true beauty of Alberta…
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