PlayStation 4 vs. Xbox One
PS4 vs. Xbox One Spec Breakdown
These are pretty basic technical stats, but a few things stick out. PlayStation 4 will probably have better graphics capabilities, but it won’t be a major difference. Also, they are running similar 8 core CPUs. PlayStation also has the convenience of a removable hard drive and no mandatory game installs. These are smaller things, but still give PlayStation an edge.
In terms of price, it’s obvious PlayStation wins in value, but Xbox One does include the Kinect. PlayStation Move and Eye will be sold separately.
When it comes to the online networks, both will probably end up being payed. It’s not a major deal now since consoles are finally moving to the free-to-play market. Having payed online networks will hopefully mean better content and more independent/cheaper games.
Soon I will be taking an in depth look at some of the best games PlayStation 4 and Xbox One have to offer. Right now I am obviously leaning a bit more toward the PS4, but the two are pretty close competitors. I think the launch titles will really play a role in which console I end up getting. Check back soon for our top games of the upcoming generation!
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