Phil Anselmo’s First Housecore Horror Film Festival

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Starting tomorrow, October 24th, and concluding on October 27th is Phil Anselmo’s inaugural Housecore Horror Film Festival.

So, what’s going on at this shindig? Well, tons of heavy metal and loads of horror films. As Phil puts it:

The Housecore Horror Film Festival, I think, and would hope, would be three days of basically sleepless, beer-drenched, absolute unity and love of heavy metal and horror, because they’ve gone hand-in-hand together forever.

The bands

Among the heavy metal invitees are GWAR, Goblin, Crowbar, Eyehategod, Pig Destroyer, and more. Phil sounds extremely excited about Goblin in the video above, but, man, what a day it would be to see Phil do a double set with Down and with The Illegals. This, my friends, is his plan. So, if you’re in the Austin, Texas, area during those dates, you better make sure to clear your schedule for the Housecore Horror Film Festival.

The state of horror according to Phil

Phil, a huge horror fan, is an opinionated man, and when he speaks, most people don’t have a choice but to listen. I personally love what he says, although I don’t 100% agree, about the state of horror today just after he praises the quality of the film submissions he received:

…to turn them on to these new directors that actually give a fuck about horror these days, that’s a plus. Because we’re in the day of the remake and not very good remakes. Actually, travesties a lot of them if you ask me. And the found-footage films, how many times can you rip of Canibal Holocaust, which is the greatest found-footage fuckin’ film of all time?

The horror

But, more to the horror films he’ll be screening, man, he’s right, there is some very interesting stuff scheduled. Check the list out at:

This is a big year for the worlds of heavy metal and horror, as they collide to form these wicked festivals; in addition to the Housecore Horror Film Festival, don’t forget about Rob Zombie’s Great American Nightmare, which is going on right now through November 2nd.

Rock Hard \m/

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