At a certain point in your life the “greatest thing you’ve ever seen” has to be seen at least once, right? Sure, it’d be easier to reach a nice dying age and then look back and retrospectively decide what the greatest thing you ever saw was, but I’m gonna take a gamble here and just proclaim the trailer for Mad Max: Fury Road to be the best thing I’ve ever seen, the best thing to be seen right now, and the best thing that I will ever see. It’s the Bret Hart of movie trailers. That means that, if Sofia Vergara bursts into my office with both a wedding ring for me and every issue of World War Hulk for us to read in our hot tub, I’d have to say, “Sorry, but you were a close second.”
Look at all of these cars and crashes and spikes and storms and explosions and bandits! Not to mention a badass Charlize Theron, and a world weary looking Tom Hardy, who I think will do a decent job of handling the iconic character. You don’t really get a lot of Max in this trailer, as it’s mostly focused on what happens when you mix hellish dust storms with desert raiders, but I’m going to go with my gut and say that Tom Hardy will make for a killer Rockatansky. He’s been awesome in most of his films so far, so I think it would be pretty preposterous to say that, suddenly, he’ll become involved with a classic action franchise, shit in his hands, and then hand that shit to the audience. This is all gonna work out just fine.
Mad Max: Fury Road rams its spiky car into your theater in 2015.
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