Gamescom 2015: New Gameplay Trailer For Doom 4 Has Landed [VIDEO]

Gamescom 2015, the world’s largest computer and video game event went into overdrive yesterday, which means you’ll be hearing about new and upcoming games over the entire week – or even the entire month. If you haven’t noticed yet, trailers have already started rolling out online. We won’t be able to post each and every one, but we’ll make sure to save the best ones for a top 10 list that we’ll publish in a few days.

However, we are going to get the ball rolling today with the newest gameplay trailer for Doom 4. That’s right! Doom-bloody-4! So get ready to see some demons get obliterated with destructive guns and fast, fluid movements. Players will finally get the chance to explore the demon-infested Mars in the spring of 2016. Yup! That’s when Doom 4 will hit store shelves.

In the meantime, enjoy this epic new gameplay trailer and check the key features for Doom 4 below.

Key Features:

A Relentless Campaign

There is no taking cover or stopping to regenerate health as you beat back Hell’s raging demon hordes. Combine your arsenal of futuristic and iconic guns, upgrades, movement and an advanced melee system to knock-down, slash, stomp, crush, and blow apart demons in creative and violent ways.

Return of id Multiplayer

Dominate your opponents in DOOM’s signature, fast-paced arena-style combat. In both classic and all-new game modes, annihilate your enemies utilizing your personal blend of skill, powerful weapons, vertical movement, and unique power-ups that allow you to play as a demon.

Endless Possibilities

DOOM SnapMap – a powerful, but easy-to-use game and level editor – allows for limitless gameplay experiences on every platform. Without any previous experience or special expertise, any player can quickly and easily snap together and visually customize maps, add pre-defined or completely custom gameplay, and even edit game logic to create new modes. Instantly play your creation, share it with a friend, or make it available to players around the world – all in-game with the push of a button.”

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