Directed by Ari Kirschenbaum
Written by Ari Kirschenbaum
Starring Charlene Amoia, Vladimir Kulich, Tony Todd
Horror | Comedy - Release date: 17 October 2015

From the amazing synth score to the bad special effects, Ari Kirschenbaum’s Live Evil is a riot! This movie is absolutely, 100%, low-budget done right.
For starters, the filmmakers knew that this was a low-budget movie. And they made a low-budget movie. It’s nothing like Evil Dead, but the same spirit is there, in such a way as there’s a story to tell and the acting is formidable.
As well, the simple effects made a huge impact on the overall vibe of Live Evil. These effects include the Wizard of Oz-like switch from black and white to color and then the glowing eyes of the “possessed” (although I liked their glowing eyes better in black and white than in color).
As mentioned, there’s a possessed element to this movie. Essentially, a being or force, something that we never truly see and the characters in the movie refer to as “Evil,” ends up getting locked up in a local university’s jail cell. The compelling part of Evil is that those who set their eyes on it (and there’s a definite feeling that it’s a she) see someone from their past, someone who has wronged them in some way or another. The consequence being that the person will become so consumed with rage and lust for revenge that they will become possessed and come under the power of Evil.
The possessed act like zombies, with a bit more consciousness than usual, and that’s probably because, like ants or bees, they’re under the influence of Evil and her desire. I have to admit, it was nice to see “zombies” toting rifles and fighting rather than mindlessly feeding.
But, like strong-minded souls who aren’t susceptible to Jedi mind tricks, things are similar in Live Evil, especially where Deputy Hancock (Charlene Amoia) is concerned. She’s the heroine of the story, pulling people back from the brink of possession and leading the charge against Evil.
There are two characters, Mr. Eleven (Ed Ricker) and Mr. Twelve (Carter), who are super annoying. They walk and talk with the type of arrogance that makes you want to punch them in the face. I guess these guys, psychopaths in support of Evil, were supposed to be comic relief in a movie that didn’t need them.
The legendary Tony Todd even makes an appearance, as a priest. His cameo lent a Ken Foree (Dawn of the Dead, 1978) wisdom to the movie, but not much more than that, and it was way too brief.
The Verdict:
Don’t expect too much going into Live Evil and you just might be pleasantly surprised at how much you enjoy the movie. If, however, you go in expecting something groundbreaking, you might be sorely disappointed. Either way, you’re bound to catch yourself chuckling from time to time, so it’s a win either way.
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