Dead Island Goes Ultra Retro In 16 Bit

Following the release of fresh high-res screenshots of Dead Island Definitive Collection last week, Deep Silver has finally decided to give fans an early taste of Dead Island Retro Revenge, an all-new 16-bit side-scrolling action game which will be included with the new HD collection at the end of the month.

For those who need much more detail, Dead Island Retro Revenge is a melee-based combat game featuring tons of power-ups, super attacks and a cool combo system. Player will take full control of Max, a wacky dude hell-bent on getting his cat back across a zombie-infested California.

Hell-bent on saving his cat, Max must carve a bloody path through a zombie-infested California, tearing his way through hordes of the undead, battalions of corrupt soldiers, and a slew of evil-minded ex-cons. Pull off crazy combos, collect power-ups, wield super weapons, and unleash insane magic attacks as you fight to become the amazing 16-bit side-scrolling hero you���ve always believed yourself to be!

As of today, Dead Island Retro Revenge can be pre-order on Steam, but the compilation Dead Island Definitive Collection is scheduled for release on May 31, 2016 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC.

Make sure to check the Steam community hub for some fabulous discounts!

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