Directed by Steven Shainberg
Written by Brian Nelson
Starring Noomi Rapace, Michael Chiklis, Kerry Bishe
102 mins - Horror | Thriller | Sci-Fi - Release date: 28 April 2017

Steven Shainberg’s new thriller flick isn’t your typical abduction/torture horror, although those elements are here.
One thing that stands apart in Rupture is the empathy that writer Brian Nelson brings to principal character Renee (Noomi Rapace — Prometheus, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo). Despite knowing from the trailer that Renee ends up being abducted, it still comes as a surprise and is quite shocking because we actually like Renee who’s trying her best and succeeding as a single mother.
In her new life, Renee, while struggling with her teens growing pains and academic difficulties, she is attempting to live life to the fullest by taking on such thrill-seeking challenges as skydiving. In fact, she’s on her way to her first tandem outing when she is taken. And the way she’s forced to stop is quite ingenious — it’s like something out of James Bond.
Watch Rupture’s trailer at your own risk:
When she’s forced to pull over her car is the moment when shit hits the fan. The abduction is a confusing one, as it’s meant to be; it’s scary and shocking yet oddly compassionate and with a level of humanity that is confounding. That basically ends once we reach the destination, but little by little the reason for Renee’s kidnapping is revealed and it has more to do with science and a centuries old organization than anything resembling a twisted desire to inflict pain and commit murder.
While watching, and if you hadn’t seen the trailer, there would be more mystery than the sliver of it that remains. Oh, the perils of an all too revealing trailer. What does remain, however, is the story of escape, and one interpretation of that escape is that of a mother escaping her past life as she tries to rebuild and blossom into her new identity.
The Verdict:
Rupture is a great little flick for those who enjoy the genre. Although much is revealed in the trailer, not everything is, such as the surprising conclusion that American viewers will see as atypical.
Rock Hard \m/
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