Suicide Monday: Yessie, It’s Wednesday… Not Monday

yessiejune suicide
Pulp Suicide by DarrylDarkoPulp Suicide by DarrylDarkoPulp Suicide by DarrylDarkoPulp Suicide by DarrylDarkoPulp Suicide by DarrylDarkoYessiejune Suicide by FranconiaYessiejune Suicide by FranconiaYessiejune Suicide by FranconiaYessiejune Suicide by FranconiaYessiejune Suicide by FranconiaYessiejune Suicide by Franconia

Yessiejune Suicide

yessiejune suicide
Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 33
Height: 5’7″
Weight: 115 lbs
Occupation: Model, customer service
5 things that I can’t live without: Dreads, make-up, my stuffed animal, sex, weed
I spend most of my free time: Dancing in the dark, sleeping, watching TV

Music: Glam rock, grunge, punk, rock and roll!

Television: Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, Gotham, How I Met Your Mother, Sons of Anarchy

Films: DC, humor, Marvel, romantic movies

Artist: Audioslave, Fuckface Unstoppable, Guns ‘n’ Roses, Muse, Nirvana, Prince, Queen, Shagging Ponies, Sixx AM, System of a Down

Video games: No thanks

Rock Hard \m/

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