Blacklist Union Honor Late Guitarist With Free Album Download

Devastated Blacklist Union frontman, Tony West, has announced that, in tribute to the tragic death of iconic New York Hardcore guitar legend and former bandmate, Todd Youth, that the band will be offering a limited free download of Back to Momo through the remainder of 2018. The close friends, described as “…two controversial characters. Rock ‘n’ roll to the bone. With huge hearts and both very misunderstood,” co-wrote the explosive 2015 LP that was applauded by both long-time fans and music critics alike.

West stated:

I just lost one of my best friends. We wrote this amazing record together. I want to make sure people hear it. Todd had a fire in his soul for rock ‘n’ roll. I’m going to miss you so much. I love you very much, Todd. See you on the other side my friend. RIP.


Back to Mom Tracklist:

1. Intro
2. Alive-N-Well Smack in the Middle of Hell
3. Shake It Off
4. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
5. Evil Eye
6. Super Jaded
7. Rock N Roll Outlaw
8. Back to Momo
9. We Are Not Saints
10. It’s All About You
11. Meet Me on Zen Street
12. Graveyard Valentine
13. Wined, Dined, & 69’d
14. Read Between the Lines

Go here to download Back to Momo free until January 1, 2019.

Rock Hard \m/

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