The Soska Sisters are back! But this time the sisters have made a remake of David Cronenberg’s classic horror film, Rabid.
A new trailer and poster has been revealed this weekend, offering a deeper look into the grizzly new film, which features a deadly disease that spreads and mutates people.
After aspiring fashion designer Rose (Laura Vandervoort) suffers a disfiguring traffic accident she undergoes a radical and untested stem-cell treatment. The experimental transformation is a miraculous success, transforming her into a ravishing beauty. But she soon develops an uncontrollable sexual appetite, resulting in several torrid encounters, which sees her lovers become rabid carriers of death and disease. As the illness mutates and the contagion spreads out of control, all hell breaks loose as the infected rampage through the city on a violent and gruesome killing spree.
Rabid stars Laura Vandervoort (Jigsaw, Bitten), Benjamin Hollingsworth (Cold Pursuit) and Phil ‘C.M. Punk’ Brooks (Girl on the Third Floor). The film was also written by Jen and Sylvia Soska.
Rabid will have its world premiere at FrightFest on August 26th at 5.45 pm in the Arrow Video Screen and 6.15 pm in the Horror Channel Screen at the Cineworld Leicester Square.
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