In a recent chat about The Collection between horror website ShockTilYouDrop and screenplay writers Patrick Melton (Saw IV-VI) and Marcus Dunstan (Piranha 3DD), the duo had the opportunity to briefly talk about the script for the God of War film adaption (written by David Self) that they’re revamping. However, they didn’t unveil major details — just yet.
They specifically insisted that Sony has been encouraging them to take a different approach than that taken by similar films already released, such as The Clash of the Titans and Immortals. In addition, Dunstan stated that those films are still considered as a commentary, like a guide to help them tell something different in stories about Greek Mythology.
Here is what they said in regard of the God Of War script:
“Those movies can inform the God of War to step in a more bold direction,” said Dunstan. “Not to join those ranks, but to stand head and shoulders apart like other reinventions have done within that genre. The satisfying element is to look at those movies as a commentary on the genre and now say something different.”
Melton added:
“Sony Games, you think they’d be sacred about the origin story and all of that, but they were encouraging us to make it different from those movies and if that means going in dramatic shifts, they were cool with it. And they’re involved.”
As of this date, we still don’t know who will be cast as the protagonist, Kratos, and no release date has been confirmed for the God of War film. But we will be sure to give you more progress updates, here on Yell! Magazine, when they become available.

God of War Film Adaptation
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